Due to the Typhoon which hit Guam in December and the resulting
damage and loss of power,
SKIP's Christmas Concert had to be delayed until February 1 & 2, 2003.
This was made
possible through the support of Mid-Pac which provided a generator capable
of providing
sufficient power for the necessary lighting and sound. Even though there was
insufficient power to operate the air conditioner the young performers showed
great character
and fortitude as the theater was warm for the audience but extremely warm
for the young performers
under the lights and back stage. Our compliments go out to these young performers
and to the parents
who worked so hard to help make the Christmas in February concert a
Following are Video clips of the Concert
performances for those
parents and performers who would like to view them.
They were all originally formatted as Real Media clips however they have all had to be recoded to be Mobile Compatible..
Should you have any problems
viewing them please accept our apologies, however the files are old and the
video conversion was not always 100% successful.